LibertyBot Features!

LibertyBot is jam-packed with features to empower libertarians across the globe and allow for effective community building on Discord, the world's greatest platform to bring people together and make change. Anyone can make use of the generic application, and for just $3 a month (strictly to pay for hosting space), organizations can access a wide range of features needed to grow their communities. All commands on LibertyBot are slash commands, in order to comply with Discord's latest privacy recommendations!

The Generic Application

Informational Commands

All LibertyBot users have access to the following commands, designed to facilitate the flow of libertarian information.

/caucuses: Information about LP caucuses

/discords: Invitation links to libertarian discords.

/feedback: Send feedback or bug reports to the bot's creator. (this feedback will not be public)

/info: Find out about LibertyBot!

/libertarian-af: For when something is libertarian af.

/libertarianism: Discuss Libertarianism with LibertyBot.

/lp: Information about a state LP.

/news Libertarian news sources.

/nolan: Take the world's smallest political quiz!

/ping: Check that the bot is online.

/podcasts: Finds libertarian podcasts.

/taxation: Learn why taxation is theft.

Custom Application Features

When an organization orders a custom LibertyBot, Theodore (LibertyBot's creator), works with them to customize their application, specifically setting up the following features to their specifications. Additional features can be requested and Theodore is happy to work with you to meet your needs.


When users join your server, LibertyBot can lock them to a welcome channel and unlock the rest of the community to them upon completion of a verification command, designed to either make sure that members are who they say they are or to collect information (such as email, Twitter handle, etc.). You can ask new members any questions you like, and responses will be immediately sent to a Google Sheet for your use.


Starboards allow your server members to vote on the best server messages and immortalize them in a special channel. Whether a message is funny, profound, useful, or just relatable, a starboard can help foster a community. The way it works is that if a certain number of server members (up to your discretion) react to a message with a star emoji, it will automatically be copied over to the starboard and will be removed if unreactions take it below the threshold!


Track anything in your server with voice channels that update every ten minutes. You can track the number of server users, the number of users in a role, or any other metric you can think of. When you want an updated number to be just a glance away, LibertyBot has your back!

Custom Informational Commands

Let your server members quickly reference any information with custom informational commands.


The first rule of new media is that all streams of communications need to work together. To that end, integrating Twitter directly into your server can allow for more effective methods of information dissemination and cross-promotion. You can follow as many Twitter accounts as you like and have them magically appear in your server!

Reaction Roles

Roles are a big part of how you can organize your server and allow users to self-identify, but it can get tiring assigning roles yourself. LibertyBot can enable users to react to messages and give themselves server roles of their choice.


If you want to facilitate feedback from your users or make a snap decision more representative of your server, you can create a poll. LibertyBot can create yes/no polls or multiple choice polls of up to 15 minutes (a discord imposed limitation) that automatically close and tally.

Mod Commands

Making your server a safe and inviting place can be a lot of work, but menial actions shouldn't take up all your time! LibertyBot automates finding information about a user, purging messages from a channel, unverifying users, and more.


Keeping your server safe means keeping an eye on what's going on, but sometimes that's just not possible. So, LibertyBot logs when users enter, verify, leave, edit messages, delete messages, attempt to use mod commands, or engage in other behavior you want to keep tags on to give you all of the information you need to be a fantastic server moderator.


Accessibility and accountability are here with the report feature, which allows any server user to send a confidential message to the entire moderation team. Whether they are encountering a serious issue or a problem that needs attention, LibertyBot empowers you to know where you are required.

ⓒ2022 Theodore Gercken - Features / Development / About The Developer - This Site's Code